Monday, May 11, 2020

Colorado Covidiots Pack Restaurant (UPDATED)

We will likely see an outbreak of the coronavirus in and around Castle Rock, CO after yesterday's Mother's Day restaurant packing of the C & C Coffee and Kitchen by hundreds of Trumpist covidiots, defying their Governor's stay-at-home and social distancing orders (which, of course, follow guidelines set by the Trump regime):
"In the restaurant on Sunday morning, in defiance of Democratic Gov. Jared Polis’s executive Safer at Home order, every table was nearly full, according to the footage from Colorado Community Media reporter Nick Puckett. Customers crowded around the counter waiting for their orders. The line to place them went out the door, wrapping around the side of the building. 
Almost no one was wearing a face mask. Only a single person among the dozens in Puckett’s footage can be seen wearing one
For the owners of the breakfast cafe, it was a way to both celebrate Mother’s Day and defy the governor
'We are standing for America, small businesses, the Constitution and against the overreach of our governor in Colorado!!' C & C Coffee & Kitchen wrote on its Twitter account, tagging President Trump." (our emphasis)
Of course the owners had an armed bouncer at the self-described "breakfast cafe," or it wouldn't be a neo-fascist event.

An undetermined number of the right-wing morons that packed this establishment will contract COVID-19 simply due to their failure to observe minimum public safety precautions. Flaunting the risks, it's appropriate that they should get infected. However, there aren't separate hospitals for wingnuts, with only wingnut doctors and nurses. The freedumbers will take their COVID-19 illness to a general hospital, where true heroes will be there to treat them, and some of those heroes and their family members may die from the covidiots' evil, sociopathic recklessness. As of this morning, Colorado had 19,703 COVID-19 cases, and 971 deaths.

The thought occurs that the Federal Government pumped out trillions to provide establishments like the C & C Coffee and Kitchen with forgivable loans to stay afloat, not to mention $1,200 per person. Perhaps these Trumpers should be asking their cult leader what happened to the money that was supposed to keep scenes like yesterday's from happening.


UPDATE The restaurant has now had its license suspended for at least 30 days.  Sad!

(photo: Nick Whitehall)


  1. Again, I care not that these morons feel like they are oppressed and are thumbing their noses at safety regulations. What enrages me is that they refuse to respect the lives of the people they will infect when they go out and about after this. They are a product of spoiled white privilege and a coffee party with other privileged white folks is a big FU to the rest of us.

    I know that most of them won't get sick, just become carriers. They'll continue to brag about the virus being a hoax because they didn't get sick, and they'll encourage others to get out and celebrate, too. But I'm going to stay indoors and wait for the professionals like Dr Fauci to tell me when it's actually safe to go out again.

  2. This is their choice. Let them die.

  3. As natural selection progresses the overall intelligence of humanity increases...
