Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Quinnipiac Poll: Biden Now Up By 11 Points

The latest Quinnipiac poll:
Former Vice President Joe Biden leads President Trump 50 - 39 percent in a head-to-head matchup in the election for president, according to a Quinnipiac University national poll of registered voters released today. That's up from the 49 - 41 percent lead Biden held in an April 8th national poll, but the change is within the margin of error. Democrats go to Biden 88 - 5 percent, Republicans go to Trump 87 - 8 percent, and independents go to Biden 47 - 36 percent.
The qualitative numbers are correspondingly stark:
-- Biden is honest 47 - 41 percent, while Trump is not honest 62 - 34 percent;
-- Biden has good leadership skills 51 - 40 percent, while Trump does not 58 - 40 percent;
-- Biden cares about average Americans 61 - 30 percent, while Trump does not 56 - 42 percent.
Now, your standard reminder that the only poll that counts is the one we all should participate in on November 3.


  1. After 2016, I don't want to put much faith in polls. They are all subjective and easily skewed. I'm heartened to see Biden's numbers rise, but not convinced that it matters right now. I hope they're right, but won't bet the farm.

  2. donnah -- We agree that too much faith should not be placed in polls, and really November 3 is the only poll that matters. But while you might not want to bet the farm, perhaps a small wager? Biden's numbers have been remarkably steady or rising since early April. He's consolidated the Democratic Party for the most part (though more can be done). At this point, Hillary was only leading Trump by 3 points (she was still contending with Bernie, who wanted to hang on until the convention). A lot of the numbers have been baked in for some time and have only gotten worse for Trump since the pandemic. Our guru, Rachel Bitcofer, is a solid source of data and analysis on the electorate, and her twitter feed is worth checking out.
