Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Giant Toddler Reveals "Super Duper" Missile

Yesterday, at the unveiling of the Star Trek-like flag for the contrived "Space Force" (actually the former U.S. Space Command of the Air Force), giant toddler and leaker of secrets Donald "Space Cadet" Trump bragged about a heretofore unknown missile, something that might be of interest to our adversaries:
"'As you know, China, Russia, perhaps others, started off a lot sooner than us,' Trump said. 'We should have started this a long time ago, but we've made up for it in spades. We have developed some of the most incredible weapons anyone's ever seen. And it's moving along very rapidly.'

Trump teased what he called a new weapon that could attack at such a high speed it would overwhelm an enemy's defenses.

'We have, I call it the "super-duper missile." And I heard the other night [it's] 17 times faster than what they have right now,' Trump said." (our emphasis)
We're sure he'll be spilling the details about the "super duper missile" to his benefactor, Russian thug Vladimir Putin at the earliest opportunity, giving Putin a "super duper" laugh and a head start on countermeasures.

(Image: Space Force logo, left, and Star Trek "Starfleet Command" logo. Will Trump name Captain Kirk to head the new force?)


  1. If he was to hire Cpt. Kirk, he'd "You're Fired" him in a short time. Cpt. Kirk would be MORE popular. Get ALL the attention & ALL !
