Friday, May 29, 2020

Today In Moscow Mitch McConnell

The Lincoln Project turns its lethal laser on the second biggest threat to American democracy after the Orange Shitgibbon: Kentucky Sen. "Moscow Mitch" McConnell (a.k.a., "Rich Mitch"):

It'll be tough, but how great would it be to kick this smug, malevolent asshole out of office in January?  If you can help, please support Amy McGrath.


  1. Another Republican with no redeeming qualities. He is the one who shaped the Republican Senate into the Stone Wall that it is today. Anything that brings hime down is fine by me.

  2. donnah -- ditto. The Lincoln Project has a bunch of these on other Repub senators that we'll feature from time to time, but McConnell is a piece of garbage in his own league.
