Sunday, May 10, 2020

Today's Cartoons

(click on images to enlarge)

(Kevin Necessary, Cincinnati Enquirer)

(Joe Heller, Green Bay Press-Gazette, WI)

(Michael Kountouris,

(Tom Toles, Washington Post)

(John Deering, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette)

(Ken Catalino,

(Bruce Plante, Tulsa World)

(Mike Smith, Las Vegas Sun)

(Clay Bennett, Chattanooga Times Free Press)

1 comment:

  1. re: the “V-shaped bounce” in the above cartoon. I've heard that Wall Street is counting on a sharp upward bounce and that's why the Stock Market keeps rising in spite of the daunting threat to the economy in general. What most people don't get is that the Stock Market per se is not an indicator of economic status. It's a gambler's game for the rich who play it to make money at high risk. Most people who “play the Market” are in it with small stocks, bonds, IRAs and the like, The big companies are the ones who can afford to lose.

    Because Trump does see the Market as a barometer, he believes that we're ready to get back into business right now. He doesn't care that it's been propped up by the Fed and that a real crash is still possible. But like everything Trump, it's all about the money, and the public be damned.
