Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Trump's America In Three Clips

Here are just three examples (not even touching the toxic twit's sick twitter rages of late) of how Trumpanzee acting- out by depraved and base Americans is becoming a pandemic itself.

The covidiots are out everywhere, taking their ignorant and racist cues from white supremacist moron vector Donald "Disinfectant Donnie" Trump:

Also taking his cue from Donald "Grab 'em By The Pussy" Trump is this sub- moron (named Eric Farina) who attacked an African- American reporter, yelling "fuck her right in the pussy" on camera:

Then there's yesterday's disturbing video of a white Minneapolis cop kneeling on the neck of an African American man until he passed out and subsequently died.  The kneeling cop and three others who stood by and didn't stop the depraved attack were fired today;  charges next!
The assault went on for much longer than this clip indicates.  The original clip went for at least 8 minutes, with the man pleading that he was unable to breathe while the cop continued to apply his knee to the neck.  Unfortunately, it's not available for viewing right now, hopefully being in the possession of the district attorney's office.