Friday, May 8, 2020

Weekend Music Threefer

Today we're featuring music for another social- distancing weekend.

"Don't Stand So Close To Me," by The Police, has that social- distancing title (but we know that's not what the song's about, as the video makes clear!).

"Handle Me With Care," by The Traveling Wilburys, also has a title that suggests how we should treat everyone affected by the pandemic, whether sick, well, struggling or not.

"Three Little Birds," is a Bob Marley song that has an optimistic message that we hope will be borne out in the long term (after some hard work and dedication);  it's also to honor Marley, who passed away 39 years ago on May 11.

(h/t on the first two to Feline Mama, and on the last one to Silver Spring Bureau Chief Brian)


  1. OH, THANK YOU, MY FRIENDS !! THANK YOU !!!!!! I loved the Marley tune as well !! I am a fan of The Marley Man !!! He's on My Favorites List !!!
    I don't know why, but, when I hear/see, The Wilburys, my eyes get all teary. Must be sumin' in the air. Dust, pollen ??!??


    Did I overdo the THANK YOU'S???? Naaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. FM -- you're welcome! Yep, 3/5 of the Wilburys are gone, sadly for us all.
