Saturday, May 30, 2020

Wisconsin's Death Panel

The Republican-majority State Supreme Court of Wisconsin tried it's mightiest in April to suppress the vote by requiring in-person voting in most circumstances. It was hoping to preserve one of its right-wing judges, Daniel Kelly, but the gambit failed when angry voters turned out in large numbers to defeat him and send the radical wingnut court a message that they wouldn't be suppressed.

As if to punish Wisconsin by endangering its health, on May 13, the Trumpist court struck down Dem Gov. Tony Evers' stay-at-home order. One radical Trumpist judge, Rebecca Bradley, called the stay-at-home order "tyranny" and disgustingly compared it to the unconstitutional internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II. Soon, Wisconsin's bars and clubs were filled with numbskulls packed shoulder-to-shoulder sharing the fun of spreading COVID-19.

Now, two weeks later, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services is reporting increases in COVID-19 cases, with a record 733 being reported yesterday. The reported deaths from the virus have steadily risen to 568, and the deaths subsequent to the court's action lifting the stay-at-home order are squarely on them and the heedless covidiots that ignored public health guidelines.

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