Saturday, June 20, 2020

Barr's Friday Night Coup, Cont'd.

We noted this morning that corrupt consigliere for the Trump regime, Trump's "Roy Cohn" William "Low" Barr, had staged a Friday night attempted coup against the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Geoffrey Berman. Berman quickly denied that he had agreed to step down, contrary to Barr's statement to that effect. Barr then sent a letter today to Berman saying that he had asked lawless demagogue and crime family head Donald "Individual-1" Trump to fire Berman, and that Trump had directed him to do so.

Not so fast.

Asked as he was leaving for his Nuremberg rally / COVID-19 super spreading event in Tulsa, Trump distanced himself from Barr, saying, "That's his department, not my department. I'm not involved." Trump's statement leaves Barr with a lot of Trump's excrement on his face Whether Berman will take further action is unclear, but next week, he's been invited to appear before the House Judiciary Committee. Perhaps they could subpoena the despicable Barr to testify under oath too. Popcorn anyone?

(photo: "Keep my fingerprints off of this, see?" Jabin Botsford/Washington Post)

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