Monday, June 8, 2020

Polls: Marches for Justice and Biden v. Trump

Two polls released today show a definite shift in public opinion toward the protests for community policing reform and toward the choice between former VP Joe Biden and demagogue and con man Donald "Bunker Boy" Trump:

An NBC News/Wall St. Journal poll found that 59% of Americans were more concerned about the police killing of George Floyd than the protests turning violent; it found that 80% believe the country is out of control, and Biden is favored by 2 to 1 over Trump in the ability to bring the country together.

A CNN / SSRS poll shows Biden with a growing lead over Trump at 55 - 41. It also indicates that a staggering 84% believe the protests against police violence against African-Americans are justified.

We add the usual caveat that poll numbers can change, but there is a clear wind blowing in the direction of criminal justice reform and removal of Trump from the White (Supremacist) House, and that is encouraging to say the least.


  1. Trump's handlers are planning a speech for him to give, something to ease racial tensions and be uplifting. He's never been able to pull that off. Even his Inaugural speech was laced with anger and hate, so having him pretend to care about anyone but himself seems like a stretch. He may stand at a lectern and say words written for him by someone else, but his voice and lack of human emotion will make it sound wooden, flat, and fake.

    And the Republicans will cheer and say he's Presidential. gag.

  2. donnah -- Agree that he has no capacity to communicate anything but white grievance and rage, in addition to his self-promoting narcissism. He's also two weeks late on the calming voice / unifying message, not that it would ever pass the laugh test anyway.
