Saturday, June 13, 2020

QOTD -- Message Sent

...[W]hat we are witnessing is more than just the Pentagon’s split with Trump; it's a stand for the Constitution and the U.S. military's commitment to it. In essence, current and former leaders of the military are putting Trump on notice that their ultimate allegiance is to the foundational document of our country, not the person who fleetingly occupies the Oval Office. Even the public rift between Trump and military leaders over their willingness to strike the names of Confederate commanders from military bases is another sign of the rupture between the two entities. [snip]

Over the past couple weeks, civilian and military leaders of the U.S. Armed Forces have sent every signal possible that they are not going to stand by while Trump defies the results of a U.S. election. Sure, there's more ways than one to steal an election, but the military just took one potential avenue away. The generals themselves will clearly haul Trump out of the White House and to the curb if he is voted out and refuses to leave on January 20, 2021. -- Kerry Eleveld, reflecting on the messages coming from retired Adm. Mullen and retired Gens. Mattis, Dempsey, Powell, Kelley, and Chairman of the JCS Gen. Milley and others in recent days. If Bunker Boy had entertained fantasies of the military intervening on his side after losing the election, he's been put on notice now.


  1. I don't which is a bigger mess, the optics of Trump being hauled out in a Faux News "Military Coup!!!"; or the bastard and Barr screaming rigged election and squatting in the oval office for months. Can't believe thinking about this.

  2. Trump has always viewed the US military as his personal “warriors”. Like everything else he has claimed as “his” the men and women who serve are like his own tin soldiers who can be moved around and manipulated to suit his whims. We know that Trump views the presidency as a monarchy and that these soldiers are here to do his bidding.

    I long for the day when he's voted out. It would give me great pleasure to see him frog-marched out of the Oval Office like the cheap and petty criminal he is, by two armed soldiers wearing face masks.

  3. After thinking about this, maybe losing is in his best interests. He becomes the leader of the DEEP STATE. The brave freedom fighters, the deep cover assets, looking for that one chance, fighting against all odds to bring back.....murica.. Wait a minute it, it sounds like a reality show!
