Monday, June 8, 2020

Randy Rainbow's "The Bunker Boy"

Another musical, satirical masterpiece from the one and only Randy Rainbow, one of his best yet.


  1. HE IS SO GREAT! I don't know how he does it !! A lot of this is real recent & yet he can come up with the best lyrics & photos !!
    I always wondered if Bunker Baby ever see's all the negative, mocking stuff out there about him. But, I doubt it. He has MANY on the payroll (we pay for ) of staff & aides that it is just Their job, falling over each other, 24/7, to make sure The MF'er doesn't ever see any of it!!!

  2. FM -- He does political satire so well, and his musical talent is undeniable. I wish there were a way of making sure his satires found their way to the Orange Turd and members of his crime family.
