If this doesn't say it all about Bunker Boy and his rotted out Republican Party's "values," we don't know what does:
The Trump campaign is requiring people to sign a waiver and "assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19" before attending a Make America Great Again rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
The disclaimer appears at the bottom of a registration form on Trump's official 2020 campaign website for an upcoming Make America Great Again rally to be held at the Bank of Oklahoma Center.
"By clicking register below, you are acknowledging that an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present," the disclaimer notes
"By attending the Rally, you and any guests voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19 and agree not to hold Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.; BOK Center; ASM Global; or any of their affiliates, directors, officers, employees, agents, contractors, or volunteers liable for any illness or injury."While Bunker Boy, surrounded by his lackeys and handlers, is cosseted in an ostensibly virus- free bubble, he militates against people wearing masks and practicing social distancing in order to have an arena packed with his knuckledragging fans, just to massage his fragile ego. Then, to show how much they care, they tell those knuckledraggers, "Hey, sorry if you get sick by coming to Bunker Boy's ego massage therapy/ hate fest, but (to paraphrase Bunker Boy), we don't take responsibility at all."
It's not enough that they're administering a slap in the face to black Americans by holding this rally on Juneteenth in the city where, nearly one hundred years ago, the worst white- on- black race massacre in U.S. history occurred (see post below). With this, they're also telling their own credulous voters that they care less about their health and safety than they do about getting a big crowd for Bunker Boy. And, most telling of all, those knuckledraggers, maybe having taken their hydroxychloroquine at Bunker Boy's suggestion, won't care either.
Here's a screen shot of the ticket request / waiver:

Hell yeah I'll click yes. Can't get sick from no fake librul virus anyhow". Maga kag
ReplyDeleteseafury -- Of course, they might not be able to read, or understand what the waiver means! Winning! Also, Sad!
ReplyDeleteTrump teams collect all of this data to build contributor lists, so this rally group will definitely be high on their hit-up-for-money list because they're clearly the most devoted, ignorant, and gullible group of supporters they've ever had. Willing to contract a potentially deadly virus? yahoo! Sign me up!