(click on images to enlarge)

(Michael de Adder, deadder.net)

(Jack Ohman, Sacramento Bee)

(Robert Arial, gocomics.com)

(Stuart Carlson, gocomics.com))

(Jeff Darcy, Cleveland Plain Dealer)

(Dave Whamond, caglecartoons.com)

(Steve Sack, Minneapolis Star Tribune)

(Kevin Kallaugher, Counterpoint)

(Rob Rogers, robrogers.com)

(Chris Britt, gocomics.com)

(Jeff Danziger, The Rutland Herald, VT)

(Kevin Siers, Charlotte Observer)
Once again, Michael de Adder's golf theme makes a glaring point about the casual indifference that Trump shows in his actions toward racism in a stark image. I also thought the Babies in Cages was a good one, too.