Sunday, June 7, 2020

Trump's Monumental Record of Lies

It bears repeating now more than ever, as we face multiple crises: Donald "Pinocchio" Trump is a sick, pathological liar. From today's Washington Post:
"The president’s technique — refined over half a century in public life — is relentless and unforgiving: Never admit any error, constantly repeat falsehoods, and have no shame about your tactics.

From the start of Trump’s presidency, The Fact Checker team has catalogued every false or misleading statement he has made. As of May 29, the count stood at 19,127. That works out to about 15 claims per day. But the pace of deception has quickened enormously. He averaged about six claims a day in 2017, nearly 16 a day in 2018, and more than 22 a day in 2019 and 2020 so far. Indeed, the president made more false or misleading claims in 2019 than he did in 2017 and 2018 combined."  (our emphasis)
The sheer number of lies and misleading statements he's made since January 21, 2017 is staggering, and it's getting worse. He'll unleash a flood of them as we approach the November election. It's shameful that his cult either doesn't realize he's lying over and over, or, more likely, they know and don't care.


  1. Your last sentence sez it all. They like what he sez. They channel his beliefs to their liking. That's why they'll remain loyal. They don't believe he lies. His statement he made about shooting someone on 5th ave., well, this is probably the first time he actually said the truth.

  2. FM -- You said it well. They're OK with the obvious lies because he's the megaphone for their hatreds and myths. They actually enjoy provoking others by echoing his lies.
