Saturday, July 25, 2020

Help Win The Senate

Almost as much as we need a Democratic president to replace the malevolent incompetent incumbent, we need a Democratic Senate to break the grip the nihilistic, sociopathic Republicans, who've been stacking the courts and blocking progressive legislation passed by the House and otherwise abetting that malevolent chode. As with the presidential race, the more we can run up the score and blow out Republicans across the board, the better.  We'll need a unified Democratic government in 2021 to start rebuilding and we don't need Republican saboteurs to stand in the way.

Here are worthy Democrats taking on Republicans.  Please consider providing them support.

Mark Kelly in Arizona;

John Hickenlooper in Colorado;

Theresa Greenfield in Iowa;

Steve Bullock in Montana;

Cal Cunningham in North Carolina;

Sara Gideon in Maine;

Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock in Georgia;

Amy McGrath in Kentucky; and

Jaime Harrison in South Carolina.

And let's not forget incumbent Doug Jones in Alabama!

Sharing is caring!

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