Saturday, July 25, 2020

Pics Of The Day: Sartorial Edition

GQ and P.U. :

Sen. Moscow Mitch McConnell must be sending his suits out to Russia for dry cleaning. Ah, the days when Rethuglicans tut-tutted the classy and elegant President Obama for wearing a tan summer suit.

Washington's Smithsonian National Zoo is open, with social distancing and masks required. Including the sculpted lions at the zoo's entrance.

Before and after:

Tyrone Turner, WAMU

1 comment:

  1. I always have a twinge of sadness when I see our former President because we have had the worst possible chump since he left. And I remember that Obama was mocked for wearing a tan suit because the Right Wingers couldn't mock him for anything legitimate. And seeing that Obnoxious Mitch wearing a tan suit that makes him look like an unmade bed just points up the difference between what we had vs what we're stuck with now.
