Thursday, July 30, 2020

Psychiatrist: Trump A Danger To Our Democracy

Dr. Bandy X. Lee, a forensic psychiatrist at Yale University's School of Medicine was interviewed in Salon about the observations Dr. Mary Trump, herself a clinical psychologist, made about her uncle, sociopath and mentally unstable Donald "The Chosen One" Trump in her best selling book, "Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man." Dr. Lee's views align with those of Dr. Trump, as she elaborates:
"[Donald Trump] is likely frantically trying to convince himself that he is mentally fit. This is because the now-removed White House doctor, Ronny Jackson, falsely used the 10-minute cognitive screen — which has nothing to do with fitness and which researchers have found full-blown Alzheimer and hospitalized schizophrenia patients to 'ace', by the way — to declare the president 'fit.' The president is resurrecting it to try to use it to the same effect, but of course he only gives himself away. We know what he thinks of himself by what he says of Joe Biden. Projection is a way of disowning what you cannot tolerate in yourself by attaching it to others, and since his case is severe, what he says almost has nothing to do with Biden but is a very accurate portrayal of himself. [snip]

In February, I warned that the very delayed impeachment and subsequent acquittal would powerfully inflate his delusions of grandeur and impunity, such that he was now likely to thwart the electoral process and use force to remain in office. The pandemic has accelerated this process. For this reason, I have been advising activist groups not to wait until after the election — and so there should be notices about nonviolent action sooner. If he succeeds in forcing a second term, he will likely use it purely for revenge, and I agree with Dr. Trump that our democracy and our nation as we know it will not survive." (our emphasis)
As a mentally unstable authoritarian without any moral compass or scruples, Trump will do everything in his power to disrupt and rig the election to remain in power and out of prison, especially since polls show him trailing former VP Joe Biden substantially. Be prepared, organize, volunteer and VOTE.

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