Friday, July 24, 2020

School Daze

While communities and millions of families are struggling with whether to open schools for in- person learning, the regime of Donald "Person, woman, man, camera, tv" Trump is determined to bigfoot the issue in the same way it has the coronavirus pandemic from the start, with the only consideration being re- electing the moron:
On Thursday the CDC released several new documents that emphasize the benefits of school, in line with Trump’s messaging. Some of the guidance was written by White House officials rather than experts at the CDC, people familiar with the process said. The new guidelines for school administrators mention precautions outlined in previous documents but appear to drop specific reference to keeping students six feet apart — something many schools find almost impossible to do if they are fully reopened.
Beyond funding, the White House is looking for other ways to pressure schools to reopen. A senior administration official said that in the coming days, the White House plans to issue its own set of school guidelines.
Trump is also holding phone calls with administration officials examining what, if anything, the White House can do to force schools to reopen, officials said. [snip]
White House spokesman Judd Deere said: “If Disney World can be open, so can our schools.” (our emphasis)
Would you rely on school opening "guidelines" from the White (Supremacist) House to protect the health and safety of your child (if your answer was "yes," please seek immediate help)?   Given the disastrous early opening policies pushed by the same gang of sociopaths and pursued by Trump bootlick governors from Florida, Georgia, Texas and Arizona, state and local officials who will be making the decisions are not going to fall in line at the risk of adding even more fuel to the Trump pandemic.  They would also have the public on their side:
A Kaiser Family Foundation Health Tracking poll released Thursday found 6 in 10 parents with children in schools said it is better to open schools later to minimize infection risks, even if students miss out on academics and social services and some parents will not be able to work. About half that — 34 percent — said the reverse. A recent Quinnipiac University survey found voters disapproved of Trump’s handling of school reopenings by a margin of more than 2 to 1. Voters also said, again by a 2-to-1 ratio, that it was unsafe to send students to elementary, middle and high schools in the fall.
This is a "strategy" coming straight from the unerring and very large gut of the Very Stable Genius, who thinks this is going to be an "accomplishment" and something he will be able to point to as a "metric of success." Just like he thought ignoring, then downplaying, then walking away from the pandemic was going to be a "metric of success."  How can you argue with someone who aced the Montreal Cognitive Assessment Test?!

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