Sunday, July 5, 2020

Sunday Reflection: Suckers

In the annals of American entertainment, one of the great showmen / hoax promoters was circus founder P.T. Barnum, born 210 years ago today. Barnum was a master at advertising and promotion, of hyping a product beyond it's worth. He's known for saying, "There's a sucker born every minute," and he certainly didn't hesitate to separate them from their money.

We have the great misfortune of having a mentally unstable carnival barker in the Oval Office today, whose talent at distracting, puffing, lying and false myth-making would have stunned even Barnum. That carnival barker draws increasingly smaller, but rabidly loyal crowds to his big tent freak show, which needs to be shut down on November 3 and sent on its way.

(photo: MAGA covidiots at Mt. Rushmore, July 3. Al Drago/Bloomberg)

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