Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Tweets Of The Day -- The Republican Party After Trump

Spoiler alertThe fever won't break.








  1. This woman is a pure loon. Just what mercu wants.

  2. One Fly -- yeah, isn't she!? Wonder if she was dropped on her head as a child.

  3. No - the West is full of conservatives. The question is will they chose her or Diane Busch an incredible candidate with tons of experience and knowledge who Tipton beat last time. Probably the loon.

  4. When you consider what the extremist Tea Party has done (I'm looking at you, Gym Jordan) and how dangerous they are, this group looks like the Tea Party on steroids. If Republican voters embrace this crew of loonytoons, we're going to have to fight like mad to get them voted down.

    The Republicans are desperate and they're panicking. We can't let the nutjobs win.
