Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Biden Campaign's Multi-Million Dollar Media Blitz

The Biden campaign is about to go big:
Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden will launch a massive, multimillion-dollar paid media blitz intended to help him win the pre-November messaging push against President Donald Trump.
The investment, $280 million in combined television and digital ad spending across 15 states, comes “on the heels of some immense growth for the campaign,” campaign manager Jen O’Malley Dillon told reporters during a briefing call on Tuesday evening, citing a “very strong reservation” and “one that is on offense.”
The breakdown includes $220 million for television and $60 million for digital advertisements. [snip]
Less than 100 days out from the general election, the Biden campaign has budgeted for ad spending in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia, and Wisconsin, according to a briefing document shared with press during the call. [snip]
Cristóbal Alex, another senior Biden adviser, said the campaign will release English and Spanish ads in several battlegrounds, citing an “unprecedented investment” over the next three months. “Eight figures into reaching Latino voters where they are,” Alex said of the planned expenses. The majority of Latino-specific resources will be spent in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Nevada, and Virginia, with additional investments to come in Pennsylvania and North Carolina, he said.
Meanwhile, here's how the Trump "campaign" is spending its money:
The planned investment comes as the Trump campaign operation—referred to by former campaign manager Brad Parscale as the “Death Star”—is spending some of its own cash on new ads, set to launch on Fox News in the liberal Washington, D.C. area, that appear to be aimed more at building up the president, himself, than generating support in more competitive parts of the country(our emphasis)
(Ed. : hahahahahahaha)

It's not just ad money, too.  Democrats are also engaged in a robust get- out- the- vote effort focused on early mail- in voting, which will start well before November in many states. Aside from the Biden campaign and PACs supporting it, Michelle Obama's When We All Vote campaign to register voters, Stacy Abrams' Fair Fight operation working to counter Republican voter suppression, and Eric Holder's National Democratic Redistricting Committee to end gerrymandering, are all working -- this year and for years to come -- to fix what's been broken by Republicans in our system of elections.

You can do your part by making sure you and your family/ friends (=wink= anti- Trump voters only, please!) are registered to vote and, if not, register now!


  1. Getting out the vote is definitely Job One. Making sure people are registered, getting ballots sent early and supporting candidates will have to be at optimum levels to combat the Republican interference.

    I hope the Democratic Party is taking lessons from the Lincoln Project and other media groups and they continue to make hard-hitting anti-Trump videos for a broader audience. They need to keep hitting their target audiences, but expand their range as we draw closer to Election Day. The more, the better.

    We're in a fight for our lives, not just politically, but literally.
