Saturday, August 8, 2020

QOTD -- God-talk Hypocrites

"At this point, we not only see the desperation in Trump’s attacks but the scam Republicans have pulled for years in the name of “conservatism.” Claiming to be the party of values, conservatives have lined up behind someone who decries true faith, brutalizes the weak, unabashedly displays his racism and acts on every ugly impulse that pops into his head. Their support is not grounded in values; rather, they come from cultural resentment and white supremacy. As Robert P. Jones, head of the Public Religion Research Institute and expert on the religious right, tweeted: “'Trump’s not first to weaponize God-talk, but his instrumental use of Christianity is so transparent [because] it’s not his native language. Seems he’s using Bible as totem, uttering mantras he barely understands (e.g., 2 Corinthians, “hurt the Bible”) to conjure its power.'” -- Jennifer Rubin, commenting on Trump's attempts to smear Joe Biden while modeling the worst impulses and actions (see post below, as well).

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