Friday, August 28, 2020

Republican Values, Home Front Edition, Cont'd.

The sexytime saga of evangelical role models Becki and Jerry Falwell, Jr. continues. A lengthy, receipts-laden report from Politico details a new allegation that Becki stalked and engaged in oral sex with one of her son's friends at Liberty "Or Death" University in 2008. Here's a sampling:
"A former Liberty University student says Becki Falwell, the wife of the university’s then-President Jerry Falwell Jr., jumped into bed with him and performed oral sex on him while he stayed over at the Falwell home after a band practice with her eldest son in 2008.

The student was 22 at the time of the encounter, near the start of Liberty’s fall semester. He said she initiated the act, and he went along with it. But despite his rejection of further advances, he said, Falwell continued pursuing him, offering him gifts and engaging in banter through Facebook messages. 

'She was the aggressor,' he said.

Another member of the former student’s band, who spoke to POLITICO on the condition of anonymity, said the student told him of the oral-sex encounter with Becki Falwell within a month of it occurring.  (our emphasis)
No indication that kinky husband Jerry was hiding in the closet watching the scene. Apparently Becki was making herself a groupie around the band:
"Members of the band recall Becki Falwell’s habit of showing up to their rehearsals. At first, the guys didn’t think much of it — she was friendly and hospitable, and always offered them food and snacks. [snip] 
Pretty soon, his bandmates thought they might have an answer.

'I could tell she was giving me looks, but [I] wanted to downplay it,' the former student said. 'I would think, Am I reading too much into this? She would speak almost … she’d always give little innuendos. Almost like she was speaking in code.'” (our emphasis)
"Speaking in code" and not in tongues, Becki? Sinful!

(photo: The Golden Calf with apostle Becki)

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