Saturday, August 1, 2020

Sparse Crowd Greets Trump In Tampa. Sad!

From the looks of this tarmac welcome in Tampa yesterday, where Rethuglican sheriffs gathered around lawbreaking demagogue Donald "Individual 1" Trump without masks or social distancing, there was a, shall we say, disappointing turnout for the mango-hued shitgibbon (click to enlarge):

The sparse crowd eschewed masks, too, so look for this COVID spreader mini-event to result in some sickness and, possibly fatalities in the weeks ahead for those foolish enough to attend.

BONUS:  In reference to Trump's new "campaign" "manager"--

BONUS II: For laughs, "Nationalist Geographic" examines the beast "Impotus Americanus." Obese and stupid, but dangerous nonetheless.

(photo: Now This News via YouTube)