Sunday, August 9, 2020

Sunday Reflection: The Resignation

Until lawless autocrat and con man Donald "COVID Donnie" Trump arrived, former President Richard Nixon was widely considered the most corrupt and dangerous person to hold that office. Today, in 1974, Nixon became the first President to resign, submitting a brief resignation letter to his Secretary of State (click to enlarge).

Although Nixon was a crook, despite his claim to the contrary, he had a modicum of respect for the Constitution, something the current squatter in the Oval Office utterly lacks, along with many other things.

While some pundits have speculated that Trump might resign rather than face a humiliating defeat (he won't), he's clearly hedged that by falsely claiming a "rigged election" and voter fraud might defeat him. An historically high turnout on November 3 to boot him from office would help puncture that lie -- and him.


  1. The changing face of the conservative movement - it used to be that the "smart" evil was out front, and took power for themselves. They learned with Reagan that stupid evil in the front, "smart" evil in the back is much more sustainable. Call it a political mullet. The front looks benign, and the kind of guy you'd have a beer with - assuming you're the kind of person who would have a beer with a moron - and the people in the back are stealing everything that will move, and taking bids on the rest.

    When you see a political mullet, you know there is "smart" evil behind it.

    Note: I put smart in quotes because it isn't real intelligence, it's just highly focused, determined evil that has absolutely no sense of empathy. And more to the point, absolutely no fear of repercussion for their actions.

  2. Czippy -- I like your description of the conservative movement, comparing it to a mullet. Well done!

  3. Ha, yeah thanks. The more I think of it, the more apt it seems.

    Fox News - morons out front, Murdoch in the back
    Tea Party
    Boogaloo Boys
    Proud Boys
    Religious Right...

    Useful tools one and all, with the true evil safely behind, reaping the grift.
