Monday, August 3, 2020

Today In Covidiots: "Fear Worse Than COVID"

After the death of Trump rally goer and anti-mask advocate Herman Cain due to complications from COVID-19, and the infection of Congress' stupidest member Rep. Screwy Louis Gohmert (Loon-TX) after flaunting his anti-mask dumbf*ckery all over Capitol Hill, we could call this stupidity-in-the-face-of-deadly disease phenomenon the "Gohmert-Cain syndrome."

Another example of the syndrome comes from Washington, DC, where a Catholic priest, ironically named Monsignor Charles "I'll Never Be The" Pope, contracted COVID-19 after weeks of ministering to his flock and giving communion at Holy Comforter St. Cyprian Catholic Church:
"Monsignor Charles Pope of Holy Comforter St. Cyprian Catholic Church on East Capitol Street was admitted to the hospital on July 27 after experiencing a high fever. He tested positive for the coronavirus after a rapid diagnostic test that afternoon. [snip] 
Parish­ioners who participated in Communion at the church — where wafers and wine are shared to represent the body and blood of Christ — between July 25 and July 27 were told to stay home for 14 days and monitor themselves for symptoms." [snip] (our emphasis)
Normally, we'd offer our "thoughts and prayers", but there are extenuating circumstances:
"Nine days before testing positive, Pope, 59, wrote an article in the National Catholic Register questioning the sweeping orders that public officials have issued to stem the spread of the virus, including limiting worship services
'There is more to life than just not getting sick and not dying,' he wrote. He told a religious radio show on the morning of July 27 [ed. - when he was admitted to the hospital] that he thinks some parishioners who have chosen not to return to in-person services are 'lukewarm' Catholics
Even after being hospitalized with covid-19, Pope continued to urge followers not to be afraid of the disease. 'I wonder, when will be the endgame?' he said in a video message posted Saturday. 'When will it be safe enough to play in the park again? That still remains my concern, even after having contracted this.'” (our emphasis)
He clearly isn't playing the role of "good shepherd" to his likely infected sheep. Perhaps he's concerned about the collection plate being empty. Perhaps he believes COVID-19 can be prayed away. In the latter case, he should contact the White (Supremacist) House, which is looking for miracles these days.


  1. 'There is more to life than just not getting sick and not dying,' he wrote.

    Well, maybe, but the "not dying" part is kind of a necessity for being able to experience all those other things.

    The traditional distribution of crackers and wine is tailor-made to spread a virus like this (so say nothing of what the guys get up to with the altar boys), and no doubt Holy Cumfarter St Cyprian will emerge as yet another viral hotspot over the next couple of weeks. And who knows how strictly the people who disregarded the danger and went there will obey a 14-day quarantine order. Innocent people beyond their cult will end up suffering too -- as usual.

  2. Your last paragraph is Right On !! This is why all these Elmer & Eloise Gantrys all over the place encourages their flock to keep coming to church! That's why they're so adamant in protesting lockdowns!! The $$$$$$. When tithing gets low, they can't buy jets, yachts, luxury homes,cars & mistresses.
    Blessed be the poor my ass !

  3. Infidel -- I suspect that the monsignor's followers are disregarding the danger, as he is counseling them to. Anti-science, anti-public health in sanctimonious clerical garb.

    F.M. -- The Catholic Church is in financial crisis over the pedophile priest scandals, so every dollar they can get out of Sunday services is important.
