(click on images to enlarge)

(Dave Granlund, davegranlund.com)

(Ken Catalino, catalinocartoons.com)

(Andy Marlette, Pensacola News-Journal, FL)

(Mike Luckovich, Atlanta Journal-Constitution)

(Tom Toles, Washington Post)

(Dan Wasserman, Boston Globe)

(Adam Zyglis, The Buffalo News)

(Kevin Siers, Charlotte Observer)

(Heng Kim Song, Lianhe Zaobao, Singapore)

(Signe Wilkinson, Philadelphia Inquirer/ Daily News)

(Andy Marlette, Pensacola News-Leader, FL)

(Bill Bramhall, New York Daily News)

(Jack Ohman, Sacramento Bee)

(Michael de Adder, deaddernet.com)
That lunch-launch joke is gold, Jerry, gold.