Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Boogaloo Trumpist Charged For Threats

A San Francisco bay area man affiliated with the extreme right-wing "Boogaloo" terrorist group has been charged with felony counts of harassing a public official and stalking. Nutcase Alan Viarengo is accused of writing 24 threatening letters to Santa Clara, CA Health Officer Dr. Sara Cody over the past few months, in addition to threatening letters sent to the sheriff's office in a neighboring county:
"According to a Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office incident report, Viarengo’s ideology, which appears to advocate for violent uprisings against the government and encourage others to use recent George Floyd protests as a tool to incite violence, is partially fleshed out in his letters to Dr. Cody. [snip] 
In the months following her March COVID-19 “Shelter in Place” order, Santa Clara County Health Officer Dr. Sara Cody was targeted with letters riddled with threats and vile language, according to the police report. Her home address was blasted across the internet and protestors began demonstrating in front of her residence. Concerned for her safety, the Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office assigned Dr. Cody a personal protection detail. [snip]

But the level of concern for Cody’s safety soared in late June, according to the police report, when a letter addressed to Cody showed up at the county health department with a picture of an igloo where the return address would normally be and the phrase 'Let’s Boogie' written above.

'I’m glad you are getting threats,' the anonymous person wrote in the letter, according to the police report. 'I posted your residence everywhere I could; I hope someone follows through.'” (our emphasis)
When arresting Viarenga, detectives found a cache of weapons and explosives in his home:
"Detectives found more than 100 firearms, including potential assault rifles, explosives, thousands of rounds of ammunition, tools for manufacturing ammunition, and confederate flags, according to the court records."
Viarenga has a history of violent behavior and sending threats to public officials both in California and in Nevada, where he was arrested in the early '90s for sending law enforcement threatening letters while attending an Outlaw Motorcycle gang rally. His warped view carries over into who he views as heroes and allies:
"In a 2019 letter sent to Gilroy [CA] Life, Viarengo calls Julian Assange a hero, called the San Francisco Police Department’s raid of journalist Bryan Carmody an 'atrocity,' and says most major news outlets are 'political.'

'They pick and choose the stories that fit their agenda,' Viarengo wrote. 'They drone out [sic] about ‘diversity,’ but have never had one local right-wing writer.'

He ended the letter with, 'Make America Great Again (and Keep America Great in 2020)!'”  (our emphasis)
Nothing left to say except "lock him up."

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