Monday, September 21, 2020

Bringing It Home to McConnell and Graham


Demonstrators gathered outside the homes of deceitful and dishonorable Sens. "Moscow Mitch" McConnell (top) and Lindsey "Use My Own Words Against Me" Graham to denounce their hypocrisy and treachery in pushing a Supreme Court nominee with 44 days before the election, something they denied to President Obama in 2016.

Hope they will continue to make a lot of noise for these two hacks in the weeks ahead, and that we all carry energy like this through to November.

(photos: top, Yahoo News, bottom, WJLA-TV)


rjnerd said...

Thats товарищ Ыертле -- tovarishch [Comrade} Yertle. You should use his bosses native alphabet for him to get credit for it.

a link to Comrade Yertles portrait

(take the transliteration of Yertle with some grains of salt, my one semester of Russian was so long ago people were wearing leisure suits unironically.)

Mart said...

Satellite radio top of the hour news break (my summary) - McConnell said this was nothing like when Antonin Scalia died very near the end of the Obama presidency.

No doubt about it, 9 months is very near 44 days. Both sides.