Thursday, September 3, 2020

Desperate Trump Tells His Cult To Vote Twice

Not content with standard Republican voter suppression and intimidation, accepting help from his Kremlin handlers, or deliberately sabotaging the Postal Service's ability to handle the expected growth of absentee ballots, life long cheater and fraudster con man Donald "Individual 1" Trump suggested yesterday in North Carolina that his voters vote twice, once by mail and once in person:
"Trump, who has claimed the 2020 election will be rife with fraud and rigged against him, was asked by a local television reporter whether he had confidence in the vote-by-mail system. 
'Let them send it in and let them go vote, and if their system’s as good as they say it is, then obviously they won’t be able to vote. If it isn’t tabulated, they’ll be able to vote,' Trump said. 
Intentionally voting twice is illegal, and in many states, including North Carolina, it is a felony."  (our emphasis)
As he does so often, Trump said the quiet part out loud, and has now alerted North Carolina and other state election officials that his cult members will be possibly voting twice, thus committing the felony of voter fraud. This after months and months of saying Dems are rigging the election. We suspect many of his ignorant cult will incur a felony charge by following his suggestion.

The point, of course, is to sow doubt and confusion into the election results by "demonstrating" that mail- in voting (which is likely to be disproportionately Democratic this year) is fraudulent.  Apparently, Trump and his corrupt party will use every excuse they can muster to stop counting mail- in ballots, especially in battleground states like North Carolina.  But, as we said, forewarned is forearmed.

When asked about Trump's suggestion, his personal, taxpayer-paid consigliere, utterly corrupt Roy Cohn William "Low" Barr claimed not to know the election laws in every state, as if some states allow double voting. That's rich coming from someone who should know as the "Attorney General."

(photo: The election fraudsters. Reuters)

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