Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Judge To Kentucky AG: Release Taylor Jury Record

After days of stonewalling, weaselly Kentucky Republican Attorney General and de-facto attorney for the Louisville police department Daniel "Black Bill Barr"Cameron has been forced by a judge to release the record of grand jury proceedings in the death of Breonna Taylor. Three Louisville police officers were involved in the killing of Taylor last spring when they executed what appears to have been a no-knock warrant on her apartment. 

Only one of the three officers was charged with a crime -- wanton endangerment for firing into other apartments-- and none were charged directly in Taylor's death. Under questioning, Cameron has finally admitted that he never asked the grand jury to look at any homicide charges, confirming suspicions that he went into the case with the objective of protecting the police from more serious charges. A member of the grand jury has filed a lawsuit claiming Cameron used the grand jury "to deflect accountability and responsibility for (the indictment) decisions.” Can you say "prosecutorial misconduct"?

Under the judge's ruling, members of the grand jury are at liberty to discuss the proceedings, which will likely show Cameron was acting in bad faith in bringing his minimum charges against the police to them. When you cease becoming "for the people" and instead become "for the power" you wind up in Cameron's situation. He's another one that needs to go.

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