Above all else, above public health and above causing thousands of more deaths, sociopathic demagogue and career con man Donald "Mango Mussolini" Trump puts his re-election first. He's putting his re-election first because he knows the law is after him, for years of fraud, tax evasion and potentially treason, and he needs the legal immunity protection of the office.
Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic began to spread in the U.S., as he "downplayed" (i.e., lied about) the seriousness of the virus, he's pushed quack "cures" to his gullible cult. Hydroxychloroquine, introducing disinfectants and ultraviolet light into the body, and even homicidal "herd immunity" were touted by Trump, who falsely claimed the virus was a "Democratic hoax" and would disappear like a miracle.
We're at the vaccine trial point now, and Trump is trying to sweep aside normal, scientific processes to ensure the vaccine is effective and won't actually kill people. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced that they will be promulgating tough standards to regulate any COVID-19 vaccine, which would delay the introduction of the vaccine well beyond election day. Trump is pushing back on the FDA, believing that his re-election chances hinge on having a vaccine, any vaccine safe or not:
"The White House’s involvement appears to go beyond the perfunctory review that agency officials had expected, and is likely to reinforce public concerns that a vaccine may be rushed to benefit the president’s reelection campaign. Polls show that the number of people who say they’re willing to take a coronavirus vaccine if it were available today has nosedived from 72 percent in May to 50 percent as of early this month, according to Pew Research Center, largely because of concerns that politics, rather than science, is driving the process." (our emphasis)
As with his virus super spreading Nuremberg / Herman Cain Memorial rallies, Trump wants to create the illusion that things are back to normal, or will be by election day. He doesn't care who dies as a result, because it's always all about him and his freedom from prison.
(image: If only)
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