"Dark shadows" indeed. The Conspiracy- Nut- In- Chief speaks:
The President claims people in the dark shadows who control the streets are really controlling Biden. He goes on to talk about a plane full of people wearing black uniforms but then says he can’t reveal anymore because it’s under investigation pic.twitter.com/AAk5GX0eWu
— Acyn Torabi (@Acyn) September 1, 2020
Congratulations to those Americans who elected a delusional, incompetent, narcissistic fascist to the same office once held by Lincoln and FDR. https://t.co/3YMWnKSMv2
— Ben Rhodes (@brhodes) September 1, 2020
If your uncle started talking like this, you'd worry about his grasp on reality. The man with the nuclear codes. https://t.co/I9GYLzXcmc
— Brendan Nyhan (@BrendanNyhan) September 1, 2020
— S.V. Dáte (@svdate) September 1, 2020
This is a direct endorsement of Q and anyone who doesn't see that doesn't get what's happening.
Everything to him right now is about mobilizing and militarizing the tiny base he has left to violence. https://t.co/zSd7vOuzW3
— Elizabeth C. McLaughlin 🩸🦷 (@ECMcLaughlin) September 1, 2020
yes I’m going to keep saying it—100+ newspapers demanded Bill Clinton resign bc he was not “fit for office”
same newspapers silent re: this dangerous mad man https://t.co/42K4zDbdQl
— Eric Boehlert (@EricBoehlert) September 1, 2020
Resting Trumpface. https://t.co/IS08KUcnBM— Dennis Herring (@dcherring) September 1, 2020
Trump should just keep doing TV all the time because it's going great for him.— Schooley (@Rschooley) September 1, 2020
Ingraham saves a
six foot putz. https://t.co/ca3eau62ad
David Waldman-1, of Yorktown LLC™ (@KagroX) September
1, 2020
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