Thursday, October 15, 2020

Bursimmia, Bursitis, Burrito, What's The Name Again?

At his COVID-spreader last night in Iowa (with a 12% positivity rate), mentally unstable demagogue Donald "COVID Donnie" Trump catapulted a bizarre, debunked piece of Rudy "Ghouliani" Giuliani / Russian intelligence disinformation that the execrable rag New York (Com)Post published to smear Hunter Biden and former VP Joe Biden. But Trump, likely still high on a steroid cocktail, had trouble pronouncing the Ukranian company involved,  "Burisma." Watch: 

Perhaps this is a sign that his brain is failing him and he's heading for a relapse with COVID-19, which would be karma biting, since he's claiming to be "immune" now. He's racing around to his virus-spreading Nuremberg rallies like a rat on crack, so he could be burning out. Of course, he's had a problem with pronunciation and slurring often:


BONUS:  For anyone so inclined, the Washington Post fact checker looks at this Giuliani/ Russian disinformation pile of horseshit.


  1. I think he does some of these on purpose.

    He's trying to sort of bond with people who he believes are country bumpkins. It's also in a way mocking the people who use the fancy foreign words that regular folks don't got no time fer.

    Trump's not a smart man, but he does know who the marks are and how to bond with them. He does it be listening to when they applaud. If they applaud, he keeps doing it, whatever it is. It's why he needs an audience.

  2. bt1138 -- That's an interesting thought. As a career con man, he certainly knows how to "read the room" he's in. Appearing as "one of them" might be a tactic of his, in addition to the angry bellowing of grievances.

  3. Cofer Black is on Bourbonesia's board. Former Bush CIA, former VP of Eric Prince's mercenary Blackwater crimes against humanity, and current director of their espionage company is on the Burisima board.

    Funny that.


  4. Mart -- But you never hear about him, do you! Funny indeed.

  5. At my advanced age, I am inclined to give the poor soul a break.

    He's not the first to have trouble with my name.
