Saturday, October 24, 2020

Entitled Ivanka And Jared To Get A "Civics Lesson"

(click to enlarge)

The Lincoln Project put up two billboards in Times Square featuring grifters Ivanka "Complicit" Trump and her pallid husband Jared "Mr. Ivanka Trump" Kushner, and the nepotistic duo isn't happy. In one, it quotes Kushner about withholding aid from New York out of pique. They're threatening to sue the Lincoln Project for exercising its First Amendment rights. Good luck with that, but, of course, rights can only be exercised by these two entitled brats and not the rest of us. Also, brilliant of them to draw additional attention to it. Here's the Lincoln Project's tart reply (click to enlarge):

(photo: Noam Galai / Getty Images)


  1. They're threatening to sue the Lincoln Project - using taxpayers money ..........

  2. There's an English case - Arkell v Pressdram - along the same lines although Pressdram's response ended with '..the nature of our reply is as follows: - f**k off'.
