Saturday, October 3, 2020

"It Is What It Is"

Checking out some of the major networks' coverage of white supremacist and pathological liar Donald "COVID Donnie" Trump being helicoptered to Walter Reed yesterday, we noticed several "journalists" using phrases like "our President" and "the leader of the free world," interspersed with continual, rote wishes for his "full and complete recovery." The treacly, mawkish deference to him was pathetic. It's almost as though they were fed dialogue by White (Supremacist) House spokesliar Kaylee McInerney to deflect from the fact that COVID Donnie's cynical and self-serving mismanagement of the pandemic had come back to bite him and many in his cult.

Some members of our broken media can't resist amplifying the "drama" of a story, especially when there's a "twist." Just three days ago, COVID Donnie was refusing to denounce white supremacy, now he's "our President."  After four years of embracing our adversaries and undermining our allies and our democratic institutions to the benefit of thugs like Putin and the Saudis, he's "the leader of the free world." He's the arsonist that got his hands burned, not the firefighter.

Our broken Beltway media should model their coverage of COVID Donnie after his own comment about American deaths caused by the pandemic he failed to control: "it is what it is."


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