Wednesday, October 14, 2020

NBC Schedules Trump To Compete With Biden Town Hall

It appears as though demagogue and virus super spreader Donald "Mango Mussolini" Trump relied on his lucrative and symbiotic past relationship with and contacts at NBC once more, and they're more than eager to please him. In a surprise announcement this morning, NBC and their sister stations CNBC and MSNBC, announced that they were giving Trump 60 minutes of air time in a "town hall" setting hosted by that intrepid probing journalist Savannah Guthrie to run at the same time as the previously scheduled town hall on ABC with former VP Joe Biden. Assuming Trump asked both for a competing time slot and his choice of host, NBC has literally given him an hour of fact-checking free time. He doesn't have to talk over Biden in a debate now, he can just go to NBC for solo free time. It's also a rather stupid concession for NBC to make, because instead of getting both Biden and Trump voters to watch their town hall, they'll be getting half of what they could have if they had scheduled it on another night. So, Friday morning watch clips of Trump's infomercial if you must, but tune in to ABC tomorrow night for Joe Biden's town hall.

Employees at the NBC conglomerate are reportedly angry at their company's sabotage of the Biden town hall and at giving Trump a platform after he refused to participate in a Commission on Presidential Debates-sanctioned debate.

NBC is also getting its share of condemnation from the public: