Tuesday, October 20, 2020

The Cancer's Cancer Is Terminal


News Item: Rush Limbaugh announces his lung cancer is terminal.

One of hate radio's founding fathers announced yesterday on his venom fest that his lung cancer has reached the terminal stage. (We thought he already announced essentially that last winter, hence his absurd award of the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Oh well, anticipation on our part).

There was a time recently when Republican politicians had to kiss Limbaugh's ample rear end to avoid being on the other end of his poisonous tongue. Then demagogue and bigot Donald "COVID Donnie" Trump ascended above him as a cult leader. A major disseminator of the birther lie about President Obama, Limbaugh is known for his misogyny and casual racism, among other things = cough cough Oxycontin =.  Limbaugh has been singularly responsible for the steady degradation of political dialogue into the sewer for over a generation. So from us, buh-bye.

(photo: Limbaugh with the instrument of his demise. Suck it)

1 comment:

  1. I remember getting into arguments over Limbaugh with an african american man who worked at a steel mill in the 90's. My argument was Rush is a racist POS. His response was he has a lot of valid points. Wonder if he is still listening to the creep.
