The White (Supremacist) House is operating at diminished capacity (which might actually be good) after COVID-19 superspreader-in-chief and narcissistic sociopath Donald "COVID Donnie" Trump made it a point of holding indoor and outdoor events with no safeguards. One of his cult groupies, human / piranha hybrid Kellyanne "Con Away" Conway was infected with the virus likely during the superspreader event held in the Rose Garden to high-five about the hijacked SCOTUS seat and their nominee, radical theocrat Amy Coney Barrett.
Con Away obviously brought the virus home to her Never Trump husband George and their daughter, 15 year old Claudia Conway, who has been fierce on social media in opposition to her mother's cult leader. When Claudia filmed her mom on TikTok apparently while talking about their family quarantine, Con Away had some unladylike language to spew at her, before she grabbed the phone:
Behind the Politics with the Conways...
— Joaquín Beltrán 🐇 (@joaquinlife) October 6, 2020
Con Away's description of herself as a "f*cking mother" may be the biggest self-own of the day. Our sympathies to both daughter and father for living with a mother and wife who puts cult leader COVID Donnie's interests, health and futures above theirs.
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