Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Trump's Evergreen Message: "I Don't Care About You"

The psychopath occupying the White (Supremacist) House -- but not for long! -- has, unsurprisingly, come out of Walter Reed tweeting "Don't be afraid of Covid," even making a video with the same ignorant, malicious message.  If anyone expected Donald "COVID Donnie" Trump to have learned from first- hand experience how communicable and dangerous the virus is, they've been slapped in the face once again by his bottomless, malignant narcissism.

Let's review some of the damage this irredeemable moron has caused through his depraved indifference to the lives of others. 

You know the "big picture":

- over 210,000 dead, many thousands of them due to the "downplaying" of the virus by Trump;

- over 7.6 million Americans infected thanks to the same "downplaying";

- the economy in tatters, with record unemployment and business closings.

Here's a just a small portion of what we've seen in recent days that's resulted from this malignant narcissist's actions:

- so far at least 10 people who attended Amy Coney Barrett's maskless Rose Garden Massacre have tested  positive, but the White House says it won't do any contact tracing for attendees;

- over 200 people who attended Trump's fundraiser in New Jersey after Trump knew he'd been exposed are being contact- traced and encouraged to self- quarantine;

- two White House housekeeping staff have tested positive;

- 13 restaurant workers who catered Trump's Minnesota fundraiser last Wednesday are in quarantine;

-  he took a joy ride in a hermetically sealed vehicle with Secret Service agents while contagious with virus; and

- removed his mask upon re-entering the hot zone White House last night while still likely contagious.

Now, like the pampered rich man's son who was born on third base and thinks he hit a triple, the clueless moron thinks he's invincible -- thanks to the intensive care and the cocktail of experimental drugs he's been given that isn't available to anyone but himself (which you, not he, paid for in taxes). He's back to downplaying this killer virus.

We'll see how COVID Donnie fares over the coming weeks, with both known and unknown side effects of the experimental drugs and the unpredictable course of the virus itself.  This much is certain, though: he cares not a fig for anyone but himself and will continue to act only in what he perceives is his best interest.

Meanwhile, throwing a needed punch --


And, just this morning, the rancid disinformation superspreader is out with more lies about COVID-19, which has a mortality rate 10 times that of most strains of the flu:


Vote. Him. Out. 


  1. Trump grew up in an environment of wealth and power. He never had to associate with people who were not included in his circle. So when he became ill and “recovered” quickly, he could come out and brag about himself and his ability to conquer the virus. He did not mention the 211,000 lives lost because he won't admit that they existed. He never knew them, he didn't see them, and to him they simply never existed at all.

  2. donnah -- he's exhibiting all the characteristics of a malignant narcissist, to whom other people don't really have feelings or needs, if they even exist to him at all.

  3. "in most populations far less lethal!!!" = Upper middle class white people working from home with company sponsored health care. We're winning the Covid!, says Trump, to his crumbling base.
