Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Trump's Self-Sabotage In Final 13 Days

Disregarding the advice of advisors and allies, unhinged demagogue and master finger-pointing deflector Donald "COVID Donnie" Trump is rampaging through the U.S., holding Nuremberg-style COVID super spreaders. Believing that his presence at rallies will erase his deficit in the polls, Trump is using the same "strategy" as in 2016, with the intensified dimension of non-stop lying and deflecting from his monumental failure to control and manage the coronavirus, which has killed over 220,000 Americans. Nancy Cook at Politico writes:

"Trump views rallies in battleground states as the linchpin of his closing argument, a means to excite his supporters and ensure they vote on Nov. 3. But many Republicans close to the White House, former senior administration officials and political advisers say the rallies are largely a way to keep the unscripted and undisciplined president occupied, since they do little to persuade new Trump voters. Rallies, they note, do not woo senior citizens, independents or suburban women, many of whom have moved away from the Trump ticket this election cycle. Most of Trump’s rallies are no longer televised nationally as they once were." (our emphasis)

Worse for the orange shitgibbon is the negative image of him holding rallies with most of his cult not social distancing or wearing masks, with him showing the same dance moves from years ago when he partied with pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. The suburban women, and seniors that he needs to win back see the rallies for what they are: ego- stroking a reckless narcissist high on steroids. It's reinforcing the obvious theme that Trump doesn't care about anyone but himself, his cult included (but he wants them to cast their ballots for him before they get sick).

His advisors were trying to restrain him from holding fewer COVID-spreaders, but Trump wants to hold up to five a day in order to give him a boost from his adoring cult. Since they appear to be backfiring on him, we say "knock yourself out."

(photo: Partying like there's no pandemic.)

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