Monday, November 2, 2020

Brilliant Move! Trump Thugs Snarl Traffic


Their SUVs and pickups festooned with Trump banners and blue lives matter flags, convoys of Trump thugs dubbing themselves the "Trump Train" clogged highways nationwide in an attempt to intimidate motorists as a foreshadowing of what will occur if their cult leader loses. In New Jersey, they temporarily shut down the Garden State Parkway, yelling "we shut it down, baby, we shut it down!" These aggressive assholes must think that blocking highways is a good political move, which explains their fealty to Trump:

In Richmond, VA,  they drove to the Lee statue, a symbol of their Confederate right wing cult, to harass demonstrators there. Incidents like this followed the infamous blockade of a Biden-Harris campaign bus near Austin, Texas on Friday, where Trump cultists driving pickup trucks tried to run the bus off the road, an incident that the FBI is investigating. It appears that the sick, coked-up Donald Trump Jr. was encouraging the Texas ambush, telling supporters to go out and "have some fun," like an organized crime figure might do to rough up store owners who weren't paying for protection. 

Sad to say, this authoritarian thuggery will be with us into the future, as the brainwashed, violent members of the Trumpist movement try to force themselves on the majority, whether by traffic jams, road rage or gun barrels. 

(photo: Note the clown in the black Jeep has illegally taped over his tag; law and ordure! AP)


  1. Wait til Wednesday. Trump will call it Tuesday afternoon. SCROTUS will confirm his results at 700pm so our elderly patriots can sleep well.
    Wednesday AM, the arrests will be announced. And the new cabinet members Ted Nugent as Secretary of America, Laura Loomer secretary of Q. And Sarah Palin will be chairman of the Tribunal of Anti American prosecutions. Franklin Graham will head up the inquisition.

  2. These aggressive assholes must think that blocking highways is a good political move

    Next thing you know, they'll launch a campaign of farting in crowded elevators. They seem to just like pissing people off more than anything else. That's the one thing Trump is good at, so I guess they picked the right guy.

  3. seafury -- Trump's dystopian America described.

    Infidel -- Absolutely. Owning the libs and being recklessly contrarian is what those jamokes are all about. It's key that Trump hates the same people they've hated for years.
