Monday, November 2, 2020

Federal Judge Denies Republican Vote Suppression In Texas

Federal District Judge Andrew Hanen, an appointee of former President George Bush, late this afternoon denied a case brought by Republicans to void the 127,000 ballots in Harris Co., TX, a Democratic stronghold, because they were cast in drive-thru polling sites. The ruling follows the Republican-controlled state supreme court's denial of the disenfranchisement move this past weekend.

The plaintiffs are expected to appeal the ruling to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, but the case shouldn't affect the ballot count, because Texas law and precedent hold that procedural "errors" by county election officials should not penalize voters who were casting their ballots in good faith.

This is just a preview of what's likely to occur in the coming days and weeks, as election-rigger and demagogue Donald "COVID Donnie" Trump and his cult attempt to undo the will of the people.

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