This morning's op-ed by Frank Bruni in the New York Times expresses what we've felt about the soulless, greedy grifters in the persons of Ivanka "Complicit" Trump and her pasty consort Jared "Mr. Ivanka Trump" Kushner. A sample, but please read his entire piece:
"Jared and Ivanka are about to be held accountable.
They chose to tether their fortunes to her father’s, chose to go along for the ride, chose to see how far it could take them, because what if it took them all the way? What if Ivanka became the first female president, something that Manhattan acquaintances of hers assured me that she fantasized about, a giddy possibility that her father floated out loud.
With that crowning adventure — that climactic branding opportunity — dangling before her, she and Jared rationalized her father’s tantrums, fed his delusions, laundered his cruelty and kept her Instagram aglow with images from their fabulous new Washington life.
Down there, near the border: migrant children in cages. Over here, near the Potomac: Javanka in their gilded tableaux." (our emphasis)
Benefitting financially under the protection of the Oval Office con man, the nepotistic duo flouted emoluments and Hatch Act prohibitions against Federal employees profiting off of their positions year after year. Their international jaunts were particularly profitable, as foreign despots saw a way to ingratiate themselves with Daddy Trump through bribing his spawn. Indeed, Kushner's pal, the murderous Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin "Bone Saw" Salman, even boasted that he had Kushner "in his pocket."
These two trust fund babies can expect some ostracism from people that once invited them to their charity events, dinners and exclusive social gatherings. Their overt, grubby greed and cruel hypocrisy is something that even their former social milieu will have trouble tolerating.
(photo: Samir Hussein / Getty Images)
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