Saturday, November 21, 2020

QOTD -- No Appeasement

"Appeasement didn’t work in the 1930s and it won’t work now. That doesn’t mean that people have to be angry or hate back or hostile, but it does mean they have to stand on principle and defend what’s under attack. There are situations in which there is no common ground worth standing on, let alone hiking over to. If Nazis wanted to reach out and find common ground and understand us, they probably would not have had that tiki-torch parade full of white men bellowing “Jews will not replace us” and, also, they would not be Nazis. Being Nazis, white supremacists, misogynists, transphobes is all part of a project of refusing to understand as part of refusing to respect. It is a minority position but by granting it deference we give it, over and over, the power of a majority position.

"In fact the whole Republican Party, since long before Trump, has committed itself to the antidemocratic project of trying to create a narrower electorate rather than win a wider vote. They have invested in voter suppression as a key tactic to win, and the votes they try to suppress are those of Black voters and other voters of color. That is a brutally corrupt refusal to allow those citizens the rights guaranteed to them by law. Having failed to prevent enough Black people from voting in the recent election, they are striving mightily to discard their votes after the fact. What do you do with people who think they matter more than other people? Catering to them reinforces that belief, that they are central to the nation’s life, they are more important, and their views must prevail. Deference to intolerance feeds intolerance." -- Rebecca Solnit in "On Not Meeting Nazis Halfway."   After the past four years horrifically crystallized the decades- long campaign by the rotted out Republican Party to turn Americans against Americans based on race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, etc., capped by their inept fascist coup attempt, there's no "meeting halfway." There's only pounding their extremist party down in election after election -- an ever- shrinking collection of misfits, "religious" hypocrites, authoritarians and gun- fondlers that deserve no accommodation or appeasement.

(Found via Digby's Hullabaloo)

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