Wednesday, November 18, 2020

QOTD -- Rigged

"This is where we are now. The entire electoral system is in fact rigged — rigged structurally and perfectly legally in favor of Republicans, because of that sea of red on the maps surrounding the little dots of blue (where the actual people live).

"But it’s not enough for them. They need to rig it illegally, because John Calvin plus Ayn Rand is actually a very unpopular ideology in America if you’re not a white religious reactionary or a plutocrat, actual or aspiring. But there are still a lot of those people. Plus there are enough other people at the margins who are naive enough to be taken in by the nonsensical claims of American exceptionalism and capitalist bootstrap fantasies (start the next Facebook!). Or they’re just drunk on the depraved celebrity culture that makes Donald Trump look to them like somebody who maybe we should give a chance to 'drain the swamp.'

"When you add it all up it turns out that Donald Trump gets 74 million votes — five million more than Obama ever got! — even after four years of him making it perfectly clear that he was going to do exactly what he’s doing right now, which is to try to destroy America as a liberal democracy, and replace it with an authoritarian ethno-state." -- Paul Campos at LGM.  We're in a long, ebb and flow struggle for democracy in this country.  We can't sleep on victories that the anti-democratic party is so determined to overturn in the present and future.

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