The petty and dangerous games that the regime of sore loser and sociopathic demagogue Donald "Mango Mussolini" Trump continue in an effort to hamstring the incoming Biden Administration. This time it's Trump's robotic, sininster plutocrat Treasury Secretary Steve "No Chin" Mnuchin, who has announced he plans to put some $455 billion of unspent stimulus money into a fund that Biden can't spend without Congressional approval. That places corrupt hack Sen. Moscow Mitch McConnell in the position of vetoing any release of the needed funding to stimulate Trump's crashed economy:
"The move, experts say, will likely undercut the ability of Mnuchin's likely successor, Janet Yellen, from restarting the Fed's lending programs at a similar scale early next year. Instead, she will have only $80 billion at her discretion.
Ernie Tedeschi, a policy economist at Evercore ISI, called Mnuchin's decision "a dangerous move" as the US economy faces a perilous moment in the pandemic.
"'t's one more enormous risk we are piling onto the winter in the US atop of other risks already there,' Tedeschi told Business Insider. 'We may need that backstop again as cases have now blown through their prior peaks, state and local governments are making cuts, and we're about to kick off millions of people from unemployment insurance.'" (our emphasis)
This action follows Mnuchin's decision not to extend the Federal Reserve's emergency loan program past December 31, which will cripple loan activities to small business hurting from the pandemic.
Watching their depraved lack of interest over the past few months in helping Americans stay afloat during the raging pandemic, we shouldn't be surprised that they're sabotaging the Biden Administration two months before the inauguration and hurting already suffering Americans. Republican philosophy has always been to afflict the afflicted and comfort the comfortable. But this maneuver is so despicable on its own that the stench from it should follow them wherever they go.
BONUS: Trump biographer Tim O'Brien has more on Mango Mussolini's vandalism.
(photo: No Chin and wife Cruella deVil collecting samples. AP)
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