Monday, November 23, 2020

Saudi - Israeli Deal Underway?

Cheating demagogue Donald "Mango Mussolini" Trump's corrupt, despot-cuddling cheerleader Secretary of State Mike "Pom Pom" Pompeo is reported to have met secretly in Saudi Arabia with Israeli Prime Minister Bibi "Bomb Bomb" Netanyahu and murderous Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin "Bone Saw" Salman. The Saudi Foreign Minister denied that Netanyahu was present, saying only American and Saudi officials were present. However, Israel's Education Minister, a member of Netanyahu's Likud Party, seemed to confirm his leader's presence, as did the Israeli publication Ynet:

"According to the Israeli publication Ynet, Netanyahu spent only a few hours late Sunday in the Saudi coastal city of Neom, where he met with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and Pompeo. Netanyahu reportedly traveled with Yossi Cohen, the head of Mossad, Israel’s spy agency, a point person in emerging efforts to broker diplomatic relations with the kingdom."

That the Saudis lie is not breaking news. Recent actions by the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Sudan to normalize relations with Israel have come as Sunni rulers feel increasingly threatened by Shia Iran's nuclear potential (and the spread of Shia Islam). With Trump having unilaterally withdrawn from the Iran nuclear deal, Iran sees its interests in pursuing a nuclear weapons capability against hostile Sunni neighbors. Regarding nuclear-armed Israel as an ally against Iran, these governments have broken with the long pattern of Arab hostility toward Israel to fend off an aggressive Iran. 

It's not hard to imagine that Trumpist bitter-ender and apocalyptic end- of- timer Pompeo's mission will further disrupt the uneasy standoff between Iran and its Sunni neighbors, pushing radical elements in Iran to fire up conflicts in that region for President Biden to deal with. The UAE's $23 billion purchase of sophisticated weaponry from the Trump regime is yet another escalation in the region to be dropped in the Biden Administration's lap. While peace in that region is the desired outcome, provoking increased hostilities and paranoia between competing Sunni and Shia camps in the region would be another failed Trump legacy. 


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