Saturday, November 14, 2020

The Grifters Behind "Stop The Steal" Million Marks Marches

Last night on CNN, Erin Burnett had Drew Griffin on to report on the "Stop the Steal" Million Marks Marches around the country today, who was organizing them, and the on- going grift of the credulous marks.  Connecticut  Rep. Jim Himes (D) added his perspective, too:

Meanwhile, a call to arms to K pop stans has resulted in trolling #MillionMAGAMarch with pancake posts.

BONUS:  This is the poster for the DC march.  Has an unmistakably... fascist air to it, no?


  1. Don't get how every time Trump is drawn he loses 200 pounds of fat and gains 50 pounds of muscle. Assume when the cult is sleeping this is how they dream off Dear Leader?

  2. Mart -- they also play "Macho Man" at his superspreader events, so they apparently are suffering from acute vision impairment, among other afflictions.

  3. Well , Baby Donny NEEDED to be a Dictator (which isn`t gonna happen) .
